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職稱: 教授職務:電子郵箱: zhangwz@nankai.edu.cn 研究領域: 應用語言學、二語習得、課堂教學模式、研究方法論、學術寫作獲獎情況:

  學術兼職: 現(xiàn)任教育部英語類專業(yè)教學指導分委員會委員,中國英漢語比較研究會英語教學研究分會常務理事,寫作專業(yè)委員會常務理事,二語習得研究會常務理事,天津市語言學會理事等職。任《南開語言學刊》(CSSCI來源集刊)、《中國英語教育》、《第二語言學習研究》等五種學術期(集)刊編輯/編務委員會委員。 主持科研項目:賦權增能型英語教育創(chuàng)新體系研究 學術成果:60余篇/部學術著述 講授課程: 博士生:應用語言學前沿文獻閱讀、學術論文寫作研究、問卷設計

博士研究生招生參考書目(此項為選填項目) 1.Allright, D. & K. M. Bailey. 1991. Focus on the Language Classroom: An Introduction to Classroom Research for Language Teachers.CambridgeUniversity Press. * 2.Arnold, J. (ed.) 1999/2000. Affect in Language Learning. Cambridge University Press/外語教學與研究出版社/人民教育出版社。* 3.Bachman, Lyle. F. 1990. Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. New York: OxfordUniversity Press. 4.Beckett, G. H. & P. C. Miller (eds.). 2006. Project-Based Second and Foreign Language Education: Past, Present and Future. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc. * 5.Brown, H. D. 1994/2001. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (3rd edn). Pearson Hall Regents/外語教學與研究出版社。 6.Brown, J. D. 1995/2001. The Elements of Language Curriculum: A Systematic Approach to Program Development. Heinle & Heinle Publishers/外語教學與研究出版社。 7.Carrol, D. W. 1999/2000. Psychology of Language (3rd edn). Brooks/Cole Publishing Company/外語教學與研究出版社。 8.Dörnyei, Z. 2007. Research methods in applied linguistics: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies. OxfordUniversity Press. * 9.Doughty, C. J. & M. H. Long (eds.) 2003. The Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. * 10.Ellis, R. 2008. The Study of Second Language Acquisition. 11.James, C. 1998/2001. Errors in Language Learning and Use: Exploring Error Analysis. Addison Wesley Longman Limited/外語教學與研究出版社。 12.Kellerman, E. & M. Sharwood Smith (eds.) 1986. Crosslinguistic Influence in Second Language Acquisition. Pergamon Press Ltd. * 13.Lave, J. and E. Wenger. 1991. Situated learning: Legitimate peripheral participation. CambridgeUniversity Press. 14.MaCarthy, M. 2001/2006. Issues in Applied Linguistics. Cambridge University Press/世界圖書出版公司北京公司。* 15.Richards, J. C. & D. Nunan. 1990/2000. Second Language Teacher Education. Cambridge University Press/外語教學與研究出版社/人民教育出版社。 16.Richards, J. C. 1998/2001. The Context of Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press/外語教學與研究出版社/人民教育出版社。 17.Robinson, P. (ed.) 2001. Cognition and Second Language Instruction. CambridgeUniversity Press. * 18.Skehan, P. 1989. Individual Differences in Second-language Learning. London: Edward Arnold. 19.Stern, H. H. 1983. Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press. 20.VanPatten, B. & J. Williams (eds.). 2007. Theories in Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. * 21.Wallace, M. J. 1998/2000. Action Research for Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press/人民教育出版社/外語教學與研究出版社。* 22.Wenger, E. 1998. Communities of practice: Learning, identity, and meaning. Cambridge, English: CambridgeUniversity Press. * 23.Williams, M. & R. L. Burden. 1997/2000. Psychology for Language Teachers. Cambridge University Press/外語教學與研究出版社/人民教育出版社。提示:加*號者為重點書目



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